Charleston Chiropractic Associates


The objective of chiropractic treatment is to restore the natural alignment, positioning, and function of a person's spine and joints. Vertebrae and joints that are not positioned correctly are manipulated into the proper position. That manipulation relieves pain and restores range of motion. A patient's overall health and wellness are enhanced. At Charleston Chiropractic Associates, we often encourage home exercises that can be added to chiropractic treatment. The exercises aid in maintaining range of motion, strength, and functionality. They can also contribute to a speedier recovery.

therapeutic exercise, back stretches, low country chiropractor

Why Your Chiropractor Might Recommend Therapeutic Exercises

Objective evidence has shown that muscle strengthening compliments chiropractic treatment by helping to keep manipulated joints properly in place. Muscles that are connected to the bones by tendons are strengthened through consistent exercise. In turn, that strengthening operates to improve the function of an affected joint. When that function is improved, you reach complete recovery sooner. If you only rely on exercise, there isn't any focus on bone alignment. Improper bone alignment impairs the ability of corresponding muscles to do their job. That's why chiropractic treatment coupled with therapeutic exercises is the preferred course of treatment for reaching recovery from an injury.

Types Of Therapeutic Exercises

As you know, many people meet with their Charleston SC chiropractor for lower back pain. In that context, patients can be classified as having either flexion or extension pain and range of motion issues. If you feel best when bending over and flexing, laying on your back and pulling your knees to your chest or bending forward from a sitting position can help relieve lower back pain and strengthen both back and abdominal muscles. If you feel best in extension, press-up exercises might be recommended. Other exercises that might help in reducing lower back pain and strengthening muscles include exercising the muscles of the trunk and postural muscles while continuing with chiropractic treatment for the purpose of maintaining proper alignment.