At Charleston Chiropractic Associates in Charleston, SC, we provide high-quality chiropractic services to patients in Charleston and the surrounding area. Our all-natural approach to pain relief and wellness includes the use of electrical stimulation to improve tissue healing, increase blood flow to the area, and reduce inflammation.

Understanding Electrical Stimulation
Electrical stimulation does not hurt. It is the use of a small electrical current to stimulate the tissue underneath the skin, promoting healing. The current is turned up or down, depending on your comfort level. You aren't going to feel shocked, and treatment is very mild at first. The current stimulates your muscles and underlying tissue.
How Electrical Stimulation Is Used
Your chiropractor will use sticky electrode pads and place them on your skin in the area to be treated. The pads are attached to wires, which are plugged into the electrical stimulation machine. Some people have smaller units at home that work much in the same way, but are battery-powered. Your chiropractor may use the electrical stimulation in one area, and then move it to a second area for treatment.
The Benefits Of Electrical Stimulation
There are many benefits associated with using electrical stimulation in chiropractic care for pain relief. When electrical stimulation is used, blood flow is immediately improved to the area. With the increase in blood flow, damaged tissue begins to heal. The tissue is stimulated and scar tissue is broken up. Once blood flow is restored to the area, inflammation will begin to decrease and your range of motion is going to improve.
- Chiropractic FAQ’s
- Common Myths About Chiropractic Care
- What to Expect at Your First Chiropractic Visit
- Choosing the Right Chiropractor for You
- Candidates for Chiropractic Care
- Methods of Chiropractic Care
- The Importance of Regular Chiropractic Visits
- Chiropractic Care – Overview
- Benefits of Chiropractic Care