Charleston Chiropractic Associates


The interesting thing about a herniated disc is that some people never experience pain whatsoever. However, most individuals do. If you’ve ever had this problem, you can attest to just how painful it is. Things you probably took for granted, like sitting, standing, and bending become impossible.

Chiropractic Care For Herniated Disc Pain

What Causes A Herniated Disc?

Age is the most common cause of a herniated disc. Over time, the discs connected to the spinal column begin to wear down. That degeneration reduces disc flexibility and makes a tear or rupture a bigger risk. But a herniation can also occur from improperly lifting something heavy, taking a bad fall, or getting hit in the back with a hard object. Even twisting and turning the wrong way can cause a disc to herniate.

A disc has a jelly-like substance in the center, which is then encased inside a harder exterior shell. When a disc slips or ruptures, it becomes herniated, meaning the nucleus pushes through a small tear or rip in the annulus.

A herniated disc can happen at any part of the spinal column. Along with the slip, it irritates the nearby nerves. Based on the location, as well as the degree of the herniation, you would have pain and possibly numbness and weakness in an arm or leg.

Symptoms Of A Herniated Disc

Most notably is pain. Depending on the location of the herniated disc, herniates is what dictates the symptoms. For instance, if in the lower back, you would likely have pain in the thigh, calf, and buttocks, possibly even radiating to the foot. If the herniation is in the neck region, most of the pain is in the arm and shoulder. Simple things like sneezing and coughing are often excruciating.

It’s common to experience a tingling or numbing sensation. In most instances, that only occurs in the body part affected. As for any weakness, you might find yourself struggling to balance, hold objects like a cup of coffee, or even falling.

Chiropractic Care

A chiropractor can dramatically lessen the effects of a herniated disc or eliminate them altogether. With a variety of treatment options, you can get the relief needed. Using manipulation, traction, stimulation, and other remedies, a highly trained expert can make all the difference in the world.

A primary benefit of seeking help from a chiropractor is that the treatments are non-invasive and safe. Unless your herniation is severe enough for surgery, a chiropractor brings the spine into proper alignment, which improves the herniation and removes pressure on surrounding nerves.

Just imagine overcoming pain associated with a herniated disc and improving mobility without the need for surgery or drugs. Depending on the location and severity of the herniation, you might need to see a chiropractor for several sessions. But when finished, you’ll feel amazing.

Stop The Pain

If you suspect you have a herniated disc, contact us at Charleston Chiropractic Associates. With years of experience and an incredible team of chiropractors, we can help. Visit our office in Charleston, South Carolina, or call us at 843-225-4357 to schedule an appointment for proper diagnosis and treatment.